© 2015 Lawrence Tuczynski

Title: Gokai & Panzer Kyujitsu
(Splendid & Panzer Holiday)
CD Label: BKM
CD Number: G.R.F.GP04
Music by: ?
Music Performed by: Takeo Yahiro & Friends
Number of tracks: 11 (three hidden)
Running time: 52:15
Number of discs: 1
Year of release/manufacture: December 24, 2014


April 04, 2015

Another strange but interesting CD from the "Bukimisha the Weird Secret Society". Track 2 was a very familiar old song I had heard in my childhood called "Funiculi Funicula". For some interesting origins of this song go to the Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funicul%C3%AC,_Funicul%C3%A0. The song is repeated on Track 8. Considering how many times this song is done on this CD it should have been called the Funiculi Funicula Album.

Bukimisha CDs are available to non-Japanese buyers through BOOTH (The International Indie Art Marketplace) by using a proxy service or other intermediary: https://bukimisya-maal.booth.pm/

Gokai & Panzer Kyujitsu (Splendid & Panzer Holiday) (G.R.F.GP04)
Track translations courtesy of Jolyon Yates

  1. The text says something like "As you can see the first track is not a song. There's a blast of 'Duce'.
  2. Funiculi Funicula
  3. It's Yukari Akiyama's Anzio School Infiltration Battle!
  4. It's the Opening Ceremony!
  5. The Glorious Tank Road Meeting Begins!
  6. La Fiamme Nere [Italian: 'The Black Flames']
  7. It's A Tense Situation!
  8. Funiculi Funicula
  9. [hidden track] (another version of Funiculi Funicula)
  10. [hidden track] (3.5 minutes of silence followed by Funiculi Funicula in the background while people are speaking like in a radio broadcast. This followed my more songs in the forefront and then more speaking while the songs go into the background.)
  11. [hidden track] (after a short chant like in Track 1 it's followed by another version of Funiculi Funicula)

Q: What is Bukimisha?
A: (from Takeo Yahiro): It is a very difficult question to answer.
There are two answers in this, and one is long, and one is short.

The long answer is...
"Bukimisha the Weird Secret Society" is the ordinary gathering of the creator well versed in each field, such as music, an image, and molding. As you felt, all of us are SF fans. Since the members who belong to "Bukimisha" are working by their category, respectively, the goal changes with member individuals. And my goal is practicing my idea "music's being the lingua franca in the world."

The short answer is...
I am sorry that I can't teach to you about our ultimate philosophy. Because we are the "Secret Society".