© 2006 Lawrence Tuczynski

Title Village of 8 Gravestones
Japanese Title Yatsu haka-mura
CD Label Shochiku Co., Ltd. / SLC Inc.
CD Number SLCS-5077
Music Composed by: Yasushi Akutagawa
Music Performed by: Tokyo Concert Orchestra
Shin-Nihon Philharmonic Orchestra (Tracks 23 & 24)
Music Conducted by: Yasushi Akutagawa
Number of tracks 24
Running time 44:07
Number of discs 1
Year of release/manufacture January 24, 1996
Year of movie release 1977 (aka "Village of the Eight Tombs ")


I have listened to this CD several times now and enjoy it very much. The music on this CD is the soundtrack to a 1977 Japanese horror film, yet the music sounds nothing at all like what you would expect in such a film. The first 18 tracks are very soothing and relaxing to listen to. It's only from track 19 to the end that you get music that is a little more intense and mysterious sounding and seems like it could fit into a horror movie or mystery drama.

I have never seen the film this music is from but would like to sometime to see how the music is used in the film. Supposedly it was released in the U.S. in 1978 by Shochiku Films Ltd. in a subtitled form. I'll have to see if I can track down a copy one of these days. In the meantime I highly recommend this CD, especially if you are looking for some soothing, relaxing music to play in the background while you unwind from a hectic work day.

Village of 8 Gravestones
Music composed & conducted by Yasushi Akutagawa
Perfromed by the Tokyo Concert Orchestra
Tracks 23 & 24 Performed by the Shin-Nihon Philharmonic Orchestra

Translations courtesy of Jolyon Yates

  1. Main Title
  2. Missing Person ~ Tatsuya Terada
  3. First Murderer
  4. To The Village of Eight Graves
  5. The Tajimi Home [where Tatsuya stays]
  6. 400 Years Ago: Fallen Soldiers Massacre
  7. Repeat Murder
  8. Shochi Hollow's Armoured Soldiers
  9. Tragedy: 32 Murders
  10. Tazuko in a Cage
  11. Visit to the Shrine
  12. Tracing the Genealogy of The Village of Eight Graves
  13. 'First Seven Days' Memorial Service
  14. The Curse of the Gods on The Village of Eight Graves
  15. Doctor Kuno's Death
  16. Blue Demon Fire Abyss (Elopement Theme)
    ['Demon Fire' may be marsh gas aka Will O' The Wisp]
  17. Dragon's Jaw
  18. Music for an Unfinished Drama
  19. Demon
  20. Extreme Situation
  21. Last Moments of the Cursed Blood (Fallen Soldiers Theme)
  22. Ending
  23. Elopement Theme (Preview #5 single version)
  24. Fallen Soldiers Theme (single version)