© 2006 Lawrence Tuczynski
CD Information courtesy of Rich Housh
Title | Complete Takemitsu Edition 4 Music For Movies 2 [2] |
CD Label | Shogakukan Inc. & Toho Music Corp. |
CD Number | STZ-36~38 |
Music by: | Toru Takemitsu |
Number of tracks | Disc 1 : 52 Disc 2 : 34 Disc 3 : 21 |
Running time | Disc 1 - 70:39 Disc 2 - 67:30 Disc 3 - 63:59 |
Number of discs | 3 |
Year of release/manufacture | 2003 |
September 1, 2006 Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996) did film scores for 93 movies. These COMPLETE TAKEMITSU EDITION 4, Music For Movies sets give us many of these soundtracks. I have personally never seen the movies from this set so can not say how well the music interacts with what's on screen. My opinions will be based on stand alone listing. Nothing much on Disc 1 grabbed me. It was an OK listen and there wasn't anything bad but I believe most of the tracks would be more meaningful while watching the movies represented. This is not very good as a stand alone listening experience although there were a few nice tracks to listen to. Disc 2 was more listenable as stand alone music and was mellow and relaxing in most parts. For the most part Disc 3 was pretty good as stand alone music until it got to the "BREATHING" tracks. Then it became fairly annoying to listen to but probably worked in the film. |
Complete Takemitsu Edition 4 : Music For Movies 2 [2]
Disc 1 (STZ-36) Disc 2 (STZ-35)
Disc 3 (STZ-36)