The original Peanuts were born on April 1, 1941 in Aichi prefecture, Emi Ito (Birth name Hideyo Ito) and her twin sister Yumi Ito (Birth name Tsukiko Ito) were known as the popular singing duo The Peanuts. They were discovered by Watanabe Pro founder Sho Watanabe when he first saw them performing at a club in Nagoya as the Ito Sisters, and in 1958 brought them to Tokyo, where they were dubbed The Peanuts. Their records were very popular in Japan during the 1950's & 1960's. I've been told they even appeared here in the U.S. on "The Ed Sullivan Show". They also appeared in
several films including several Mothra and Godzilla films. The duo retired from performing 4 April 1975. |